Work-at-home jobs are a true blessing for mothers. It allows them to add to the household kitty without missing out on their children’s precious growing up years.

However, work-at-homes jobs are no less a challenge. When not managed effectively, they become more pressurizing than a 9-5 office job. If you’re a work-at-home mom, you know what we’re talking about.

There are so many times when you’re toddler will insist on using the keyboard with you. The cacophony of noises in the background (a grumbling elder sister, a hyperactive son and whining toddler) make it so difficult to concentrate. You work into the wee hours of the morning to keep up with deadlines. Despite this, it seems like you’ve not achieved anything. And between handling the house, a husband, a job and the children, you get lost somewhere.

How can work-at-home moms strike a balance between the office and home front? Well, we’re here to share a few tips.

1. Prepare a work schedule –

The reason why work productivity is higher in an office setting is because of the disciplined environment and set up. The program sheet (a.k.a timetable) for an entire week is planned in advance. You will need a similar work schedule. A daily schedule should do.

A schedule gives you an overview of what the day is going to look like. It prepares you mentally to take on the day. Besides determining what the start and end of the day is in advance will prevent the mind from wandering and switching back and forth between tasks

In the time allotted for work, work. Don’t concentrate on household tasks unless there is emergency- the house is on fire or your child needs to be rushed to the health care provider. Thus, you not only chalk out a schedule but also respect and follow it.


2. Make valuable use of time –

As a mom, you will always find yourself struggling to catch up with time. You will find time- to work, to spend with the kids, to pamper yourself provided you use it judiciously. Start by getting up early; an hour or two before the children are up. Get refreshed and dressed for the day. You can go for a walk. If your husband wants to accompany you, it’s even better. Prepare breakfast for your husband and kids and pack them off to work and school. You can use the next one hour to prepare the meals for the day. It is preferable that you finish all the household chores before you sit down to work.


3. Focus on Work –

Once you’re at your work table, don’t think about anything else. Block distractions of all kinds. Promise yourself you won’t fall prey to social media during work hours. Facebook and Twitter can be reserved when your hands are free. Texting is a vicious cycle. You start but never stop. Let your children know you don’t like too much noise around the house when you’re working. Set a timer for tasks. Try to complete the tasks on hand before moving on to others. In this manner you will not only meet deadlines but also feel satisfied and happy of your accomplishments.


4. Family Time

The main reason why you gave up your 9-5 job is that you could spend quality time with the family. Your work hours are set. Suppose you work from 10- 5 don’t exceed it. In case of work burden, you can think of an extra hour, but not more than that because it would upset the entire schedule. This is non-work time so use it in the best way you can. You can make a trip to the salon, take your child to the park, play with them at home, help out with homework, go out and shop for provisions or enjoy a dinner date with your husband.


5. Get help around the house

Being a mom can get frustrating too especially when the burden of all the work falls on your shoulders. You can and should get help around the house. Ask your husband to pitch in maybe in the tasks that he can handle. Remember, you’re working as hard as he; most of the times more. If you have elder children, teenagers, maybe you could ask them to manage few responsibilities of younger siblings. It will do not harm.

So, use these tips to be an effective mother and career woman.


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