3. Very dry or excessively sweaty skin

If you observe that your skin has become suddenly very dry or very sweaty, you should see a dermatologist.

Very dry or excessively sweaty skin could be indicators of a hormonal imbalance in the body. Dermatologists state that Hyperhydrosis (condition in which the skin sweats excessively) is induced by medical problems such as diabetes or thyroid malfunction. On the contrary, dry skin may be an outcome of old age (no need to worry; a change of moisturizer will help), thyroid problems, eczema or psoriasis.


4. Skin rashes

Whenever we develop a skin rash, we ignore it believing it will heal and subside on its own. However, the longer you neglect it, the more time it will take to heal. You should fix a meeting with your dermatologist the moment you spot a skin rash with may include skin irritation, reddening, inflammation or severe itching. These may be symptoms of a more serious skin dilemma.


5. Dark Skin Discolorations

Did you spot an abnormal skin discoloration? As the days passed it appeared to grow and got darker? Yes, then make an appointment with your dermatologist at the earliest. Unusual skin discolorations often culminate in skin cancer. We do not intend to scare you, but an early diagnosis is always beneficial in the long run.


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