2. Mantras to help you sleep tight

Get good sleep for better health tips

2.1 Establish a proper sleep schedule

The first and most important strategy to get your sleep back in tune is to set a regular bedtime and wake up time. Follow it consistently. Adhering to a regular sleep-wake up schedule will make you feel more fresh and energized the next day. Don’t break this schedule on a holiday when you are tempted to sleep longer or stay awake longer than usual. If for some reason you sleep late than usual or wakeup earlier than usual you can make up for it with shorts naps during the daytime.

2.2 Power Naps

Sometimes you are tired and wish to rest for a while during the day time. It is fine, but such power naps should not extend to 2-3 hours. A power nap should be taken in the early afternoon for a maximum of 30-45 minutes. Napping too much during the day time could worsen insomnia.

2.3 Watch what you eat in the hours prior to your bedtime

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince an dinner like a pauper”- this quote hold true if you want to regulate your sleep cycle. Dinner should always be light. It should not include rich and heavy foods that take longer to digest. Avoid fatty, spicy and sugary foods. It is stated that alcohol helps you sleep better. However, this is a misconception. It may help induce sleep, but it lowers the quality of your sleep. This causes one to feel exhausted when they wake up in the morning. Cut back on your intake of coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate especially 4-6 hours before sleep.

2.4 A sleep friendly bedroom

Use a comfortable mattress and pillow. It should be of optimum height. Your bedroom should be dark enough to induce sleep. Try to get rid of all the distracting sounds.

2.5 Other steps

Empty your bladder before you go to bed as it reduces the number of times you will need to go to bathroom during the night. Quit smoking. Exercise regularly during the day. You can undertake relaxing exercises such as yoga, meditation and gentle stretching just before you sleep. You could also read a book or take a hot bath just before you can go to sleep.

So, follow these steps for a good night’s sleep. Wake up each morning fresh and alert to go through an entire new day.

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