2. Shampoo and conditioning

Shampoo is an area where we make the most mistakes. The first folly is washing hair everyday. It strips the hair of natural scalp oils. Washing the hair every alternate day allows the hair to restore its health using its own oils. It leaves it smooth and shiny.

When you shampoo, shampoo only your scalp. Many collect their hair in a pile on their head and then rub the shampoo in for thorough cleansing. Avoid doing this as the scrubbing and bending action encourages hair fall and the formation of split ends.

Shampoo should always be followed by a good quality conditioner; one made for your hair type. Coat the tips of your hair with the conditioner. Let is stand for sometime before rinsing. The conditioner locks in moisture and prevents the hair from appearing dry and listless. However, make sure you rinse the conditioner well or your hair will look greasy.

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