2. Learn to Trust

The next crucial step is to learn to trust. Many a time’s individuals find it difficult to trust their spouse. They justify it with a past deception. Agreed, the hurt of the previous relationship still lingers on. However, you must also remember that all persons need not be the same and all relationships will not end in the same manner. Each one has relationship insecurities, but hanging on to them is no wise decision. If you will never trust, you will increase your chances of losing even a trustworthy spouse for no one likes a nagging partner. So, have faith in your partner.


3. Trust yourself

“Is he/she the right person for me?” How many times has this thought flitted across your mind – once, twice or a million times? Well, we’re sorry to say you don’t trust your self or your choices. Trust building will be impossible if you don’t trust yourself or your instincts. Believe that the person you are involved with is the right person for you. Enjoy your new found romance instead of always taking the litmus test to determine if he is worth your love or not.

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