If you have a son:

Boys generally attain puberty between 10 -14. Boys mature later than girls.

  1. The first physical sign of the puberty in boys is the growth of testicles and penis.
  2. Muscle development – Your son’s arms and shoulders get more muscular. You will notice his grip gets stronger too. Your son will want to workout and maintain his physique, but advise him to go slow.
  3. Deepening of Voice – The voice deepens. Initially, you will observe his voice cracks and then it becomes more masculine.
  4. Growth spurt – You son will also grow tall during this period.
  5. Hair growth – Hair grows under the arms, on the pubic area and on the chest. The last to appear is facial hair.
  6. Acne – Boys suffer more severe acne than girls during puberty due to the excess production of oil by the oil glands.
  7. Masturbation and Wet Dreams – Between 10 and 14 your son will experience wet dreams and between 12 and 13 he will start masturbating. Wet dreams are uncontrolled ejaculations of semen at night. Sperm production starts during puberty so you will also have to introduce your son to the story of the birds and bees.


The emotional changes are common to both girls and boys going through puberty. They become sensitive, irritable and moody. Boys and girls also become extremely conscious of their body image. The high estrogen and testosterone levels also influence the body odor. They smell bad even if they do not sweat a lot.



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