5. A second coat

If you want your mascara slightly darker and more dramatic, you can think about another coat or two. You have to remember that reapplication should be done before the previous coat dries. If you apply another coat of mascara over an already dry coat, it tends to clump and flake giving your eyelashes the “Spider’s” legs appearance. So, be quick. Immediately after applying the first coat, apply the second and third coat.


6. Comb out your lashes

Another step you may want to do before the mascara dries is comb out the lashes. Use an eyelash comb for this. It separates the lashes and gives it a neat clean appearance.


7. The finishing touches

Despite all the care, there may be a few spots of mascara on the cheek or lower lid. Using a Q-tip or a cotton swab clear any mascara mess on the cheek or lower lid.


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