6. Growth of a mole or freckle

You should beware of unusual, abnormal skin growths for they often point towards skin cancer. In event you detect a growing mole or freckle on your body, have it examined by a dermatologist and determine whether it is benign and malignant.


7. Sudden unexplained hair loss

Hair loss is associated with genetics and poor nutrition. But skin diseases like dandruff, fungal scalp infections can also cause hair to fall out in greater amounts. You should visit a dermatologist who after a detailed examination (blood tests and biopsies) will suggest the appropriate medication.


8. Brittle, yellowing nails

Yellow, brittle nails are indications of a deeply established fungal infection. Nail fungal infection can only be treated with oral and topical medication. Fungal infection needs to be treated early or it may spread to the rest of the nails and a dermatologist is the only one who can provide immediate help. So, like it or not you will have to see him.


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