4. Selecting the right eye liner

Eyeliners are available in different variants- pencil, liquid and gel eye liners. You can choose whichever one you are most comfortable using. We would advise you choose waterproof eyeliner. Waterproof eyeliners are resistant to sweat, moisture and oils and do not break down and so do not run. In fact, if you forget to wash the eyeliner of you will notice it falls in flakes.


5. Finish the look with powdered eye shadow

Finally, you will need some eye shadow in the same color of the eyeliner to complete your look. After you have finished lining the upper and lower eyelids, take a small amount of eyeliner of an eye shadow brush and apply a thin line directly over the eye liner. It will absorb the moisture and excess oil and prevent the eyeliner from smearing. This is best done when the eyeliner is still a little damp. You can also substitute the powered eye shadow with a light dusting and creasing of translucent powder.


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