6. Low fat Dairy products

Dairy products for mom health tips

Dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt are essential when breast feeding. They are the best sources of protein, calcium, Vitamin B and vitamin D. The supply of calcium to the body restores the health of your own bones as well as helps your baby’s bones develop.


7. Lean beef

Lean beaf and food for new mom tips

Your body cannot do without protein during the post delivery stage. Protein helps build the muscles and tissues of the baby and so a lactating mom should eat extra protein. Lactating women also need B12 and iron to meet the demands of their little one. These two nutrients prevent the energy levels from draining out. Lean beef is a source of iron, protein and vitamin B12 and therefore should be made a component of a new mother’s diet.


8. Fluids: Water and Juices

Fluid drinks for new mom health tips

Proper hydration is required for two primary reasons- to facilitate the production of milk and to keep you energized. Ensure the body is properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water. You can vary your options. Drink fresh fruit juices and milk. You can consume tea and coffee too, but intake should be limited (1-2 cups a day) because of caffeine contained it. When caffeine is ingested by your infant passed through breast milk, it become restless, irritable. It also disturbs sleep patterns.


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