Whether you’re a newly wedded couple or one that has spent 25 years together, trust is the cornerstone of every healthy relationship. There should be trust between couples; trust that will give a relationship its rock solid foundation. For, the moment trust erodes from a relationship, it begins to fall apart.

If you want to keep your relationship healthy and working, here are simple ways to build trust.


1. Be open, be truthful

How would you feel if your partner deceived you by withholding important details of his or her life? Hurt and cheated right? Well, as a matter of fact all humans react in the same way.

We have often come across persons who hide away past secrets for the fear of it destroying their present relationship. This is a wrong decision and can be fatal to your relationship in the long run particularly if your spouse learns about it through a third person.

If you want someone to be honest with you, you should be honest with that person too. Share the smallest of the smallest details with your partner. The more you share, the more your partner will want to share with you. Also remember if you are caught lying once, it will force your partner to think about what else you could lie about. So, consider the consequences before you tell a lie or hide anything.

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